I'm Moving
my blog to its own domain, The Sun's Financial Diary, hosted by BlueHost.com. I just set up the website yesterday and there are a lot of stuff to do and learn before it has the functions and features I want. I am relative new to web development, though I know HTML. So, I guess it will be a while to shape it me.
Registering a domain is easy, but I didn't figure out how to move my blog here to the new domain yet. I am not sure if Blogger provides any kind of service that allows me to transfer the entire contents over to the new domain. It would a tough job if I have to do transfer manully.
Anyway, I am excited about this move and look forward to the challenges ahead.
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Technorati tags:Blog, Web hosting, Weblog
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Registering a domain is easy, but I didn't figure out how to move my blog here to the new domain yet. I am not sure if Blogger provides any kind of service that allows me to transfer the entire contents over to the new domain. It would a tough job if I have to do transfer manully.
Anyway, I am excited about this move and look forward to the challenges ahead.
Categories: General,
Technorati tags:Blog, Web hosting, Weblog

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