Sales Update
Well, after what seemed to be a booming month of August, my sales on run into stallmate in the past week. The last sale was made on August 19th, since then all the remaining seven items still belong to me. I admit that those leftovers are not very attractive, so it didn't and won't really surprise me if none of them finds a buyer. Besides, I didn't find any good deal recently that let me make the buy-and-sell. I guess it will be a while before I can have any significant numbers again.
Since I started selling stuff on Amzon in later June, a total of 19 items (yes, not a lot) were sold. Among them, 11 were books, which is the most profitable block. I also sold 4 wireless routers, one printer, one wireless antenna, one cable kit, and one hard drive enclosure. I made $468 out of the total sales of $684. Not bad for two months.
Because Amazon limits the items can be listed for free (must be those Amazon carries), I don't think I will try to get rid off all the stuff I no longer want to keep. And I still didn't make up my mind about listing on EBay.
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Since I started selling stuff on Amzon in later June, a total of 19 items (yes, not a lot) were sold. Among them, 11 were books, which is the most profitable block. I also sold 4 wireless routers, one printer, one wireless antenna, one cable kit, and one hard drive enclosure. I made $468 out of the total sales of $684. Not bad for two months.
Because Amazon limits the items can be listed for free (must be those Amazon carries), I don't think I will try to get rid off all the stuff I no longer want to keep. And I still didn't make up my mind about listing on EBay.

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